Advice Nurse Help

Center for Primary Care Advice Nurses are, from left, Michelle Curry, R.N.; Robin McIntyre, R.N.; and Estee Manio, R.N.

Think a phone call might prevent a trip to the doctor’s office? NorthBay Healthcare has made it easier for patients to reach someone who can help.

Advice nurses are now available from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday for patients who call (707) 646-5500 to reach the Center for Primary Care. There are seven nurses on the primary care staff, one at Green Valley, three at Hilborn and three at Nut Tree North. Of those, two are regularly assigned to assist with advice calls, said Remillo DuBose, appointment-access supervisor.

Calls are screened by the call center staff—about 16 total employees—using a system created by the CPC nurses and providers, from the highest level being more serious symptoms (red flag) to less urgent but still serious symptoms (yellow flag) to non-urgent but still concerning symptoms (blue flag).

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