Lung Cancer Screening Offered in December
Thanks to a local nonprofit foundation, lung cancer screenings will be offered to “high–risk” local residents for whom cost would be a barrier.
NorthBay Cancer Center and Solano Diagnostics Imaging (SDI) will offer the free screenings as well as low-cost CT lung scans from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 5, at Solano Diagnostics Imaging in Fairfield.
“High-risk” candidates for lung cancer are between the ages of 55 and 74 and have a 30-pack-a-year history of smoking. Candidates are eligible if they’ve quit within the past 15 years or are still smokers.
A painless 10-second CT scan can detect lung cancers at a very early stage and result in a surprisingly high rate of survival. Ronnie Link of Vaca-ville had a lung scan in 2013 which detected her cancer at its earliest stage. Following surgery to remove part of her lung she is now cancer free. She vowed to start a foundation to provide screening for those who couldn’t afford the test.
SDI is an American College of Radiology designated lung screening center, which means it has the equipment needed to perform the scan and the expertise to read the scans and provide follow-up if necessary. SDI will bill the patient’s insurance company and Link’s foundation will cover the screening cost for patients with no insurance or with an unaffordable insurance co-payment.
For complete screening criteria or to make an appointment, call SDI at (707) 646-4646.