#OurDocTalk a Big Success

Dr. Archana Goyal (left) answers an online question with Social Media/Online Specialist Robin Miller during her live #OurDocTalk Chat on Facebook.

It is the year of social media at NorthBay Healthcare and that means a renewed focus on engagement: with employees and the community we serve. The effort launched with a campaign to grow our presence on Facebook. NorthBay staff handed out water bottles packed with goodies to employees and the general public who showed they “liked” our Facebook page (Facebook.com/NorthBayHealthcare).

Dr. Eric Hassid chats online about Functional Medicine during his #OurDocTalk live Facebook chat.

The focus continued with the #NorthBay Let’s Get Social theme at events throughout the community. At the annual March of Dimes “March For Babies,” event in April, for example, NorthBay’s group couldn’t be missed. More than 100 walkers, proudly wearing black and white #NorthBay T-shirts gathered and walked in the event. Less than a month later, another huge crowd of walkers turned out in their T-shirts for the annual Cinco K Run & Taco Fiesta fundraising event.

Fiesta Days, the annual celebration of Vacaville’s Hispanic and western roots, was another chance for the year of social media theme to be displayed. Dozens of employees in their #NorthBay shirts marched in the parade and with the NorthBay float that featured the #NorthBay Let’s Get Social theme.

The effort to connect with the community on social media didn’t end there, however. In fact, a cornerstone of this new effort is #OurDocTalk, a series of live Facebook chats designed to connect NorthBay doctors with the community to answer questions on a variety of health issues.

Interested followers who visit NorthBay’s Facebook page are able to post their questions and comments in advance, send them via Facebook Messenger, or e-mail them to Robin Miller, NorthBay’s social media and online specialist at Robin.Miller@NorthBay.org. At the scheduled time, the doctor logs onto Facebook and replies to each question during the chat. The chats are hosted every other Wednesday afternoon and the conversations last a half an hour, though some have run longer due to high interest and volume of questions submitted.

Topics have included pediatric colds and flu, heart health, acupuncture, allergies and asthma, high blood pressure, cancer, foot/ankle injury prevention, stroke and functional medicine.

The reaction has been outstanding.”I think this is a great format for (doctor and patient) interaction,” wrote one visitor to the Facebook page. “Keep it up!” “Awesome! Very informative,” wrote another.

Chats are planned through the end of the year. Check NorthBay.org for topics and times.

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