In This Issue

Clinical Trials Advance Treatment Options

There are hundreds of clinical trials currently under way exploring new ways to treat cancers, including breast cancer. Some things researchers are investigating involve new anti-cancer drugs, doses and treatment schedules, as well as drug combinations and hormonal therapy.

Some trials compare a new treatment with the standard treatment, while other trials use agents that haven’t been used in humans before. Treatments studied on clinical trials may become the newest standard of care.

“NorthBay has invested in clinical trials for more than a decade,” says Keni Horiuchi, R.N./OACN, oncology nurse specialist. “However, although clinical trials are an important part of cancer care and are critical in improving cancer treatments, fewer than 5 percent of cancer patients participate in clinical trials. It seems that many patients are not aware of this option.” To see a list of the trials available at NorthBay, go to the Web site at, click on “Services” and then the Cancer Center page. Clinical trials are listed under “Treatments.”

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