East Meets West: Cutting-Edge Therapies

Tawhid Gazi, M.D.

His title is a mouthful: Interventional gastroenterologist. But that’s simple compared to the names of some of the complicated, cutting-edge therapies and procedures Tawhid Gazi, M.D., has mastered and brought to Solano County.

Start with the Endoscopic Ultrasound or EUS for short. Using a technique called fine needle aspiration, he can deliver pain relief for chronic abdominal conditions, take tissue samples and even screen for pancreatic cancer, an insidious cancer that often goes undetected until it’s too late.

And then there’s endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or ERCP for short, used to diagnose abdominal pain and to evaluate the ducts of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver.

“Endoscopy offers patients quicker recovery times, and shorter or no hospital stays,” explains Dr. Gazi. “Rather than traveling to academic centers, my patients can now receive this cutting-edge gastroenterological care close to home.”

When appropriate, Dr. Gazi combines traditional Western medicine with Eastern therapies and treatments to promote quicker healing and overall health.

“Some of these treatments include acupuncture, herbal teas and herbal therapies that perfectly complement Western medicine,” he says. “It’s all about helping the patient feel better again.”

Dr. Gazi was recently voted the top gastroenterologist in Fairfield by the International Association of Healthcare Professionals. Prior to joining NorthBay, he was the chief of gastroenterology at Providence Health Center in Texas.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Gazi, call (707) 646-3555.

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