Three New Daisies Bloom

Three NorthBay Medical Center nurses are the proud recipients of the coveted DAISY award, presented to honor their outstanding patient outreach. Miranda Cariaga, Kari Crain and Roxy Salmeron all received their awards at separate presentations in front of their nursing colleagues this spring.

Miranda was nominated for outstanding work with a very ill and frightened patient who was suffering from septic shock. She used her nursing know-how to keep him calm and reassure him he was going to be OK.


Kari was nominated by a 63-year old Vietnam veteran who spoke out to sing her praises. He called his nurse “a woman of God wearing a nurse’s uniform instead of angel wings.”


Roxy was thanked by the mother of a patient who wrote, “She communicates with us as people and not just
a wristband to scan when medication is given. She took the time to let us know what medications were being given to my daughter and what they were for, what side effects might be and if we had any questions.”


NorthBay joined the DAISY Foundation in December 2015 and has presented a total of eight DAISY awards.


Have you had an outstanding experience with a NorthBay nurse?

Nomination forms are available to download at

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