Bringing Holiday Cheer to Local Children
NorthBay Healthcare employees brought holiday joy to more than 1,000 local children during their annual Adopt-a-School program and ABC Clinic Holiday Party.
This year, NorthBay adopted 57 classrooms at Fairview Elementary School in Fairfield and Padan Elementary School in Vacaville. Each class received the holiday gifts and parties requested by their teachers.
More than 200 children and their parents attended the annual ABC
(A Baby’s Coming) Clinic Holiday Party in the lobby of NorthBay Medical Center. The party featured teddy bears from Genentech, toys donated by NorthBay employees; interactive games and artwork, and refreshments.
Santa Claus was a popular guest during North-Bay’s Adopt-a-School holiday parties at Padan Elementary School in Vacaville Dec. 16.
NorthBay Healthcare Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Art DeNio popped out of a holiday-wrapped gift box to the delight of students at Fairview Elementary School in Fairfield Dec. 17.
Kimberly Rios, 3, holds up the gingerbread house she created during NorthBay Healthcare’s annual holiday party for the families of the ABC (A Baby’s Coming) Clinic Dec.21.