Open Enrollment Time
It’s open enrollment season and you probably have questions. NorthBay Healthcare has a solution—Call Kelly!
It’s not only the catch phrase of our fall advertising campaign, it’s a quick link to Kelly Rhoads-Poston, NorthBay marketing representative, who is our expert at helping you navigate the murky waters of healthcare insurance options.
She can answer questions about the major health plans that contract with NorthBay, including Covered California (Western Health Advantage and Anthem Blue Cross); Aetna PPO; Anthem Blue Cross PPO; Blue Shield HMO, PPO and POS; Cigna HMO, PPO, POS and EPO; Medicare, UnitedHealthcare PPO; TriCare Prime, Standard, Extra and TriCare for Life; and Western Health Advantage.
Call Kelly at (707) 646-3280 or visit