Advanced, 3-D Full-Body Scans Now at NorthBay

Imagine needing diagnostic imaging for scoliosis, severe osteoporosis or other spinal or musculoskeletal deficiencies, and being in so much pain it’s not possible to lay still long enough to have an MRI.

NorthBay Health patients can now comfortably receive low-dose 3-D full-body radiologic imaging while standing or sitting, through the leading-edge X-ray technology found in the EOSedge system.

The system was installed at NorthBay Health this summer, and NorthBay joins UCSF and Stanford as the only health care organizations in the area to offer this advanced technology, according to Patrick Maloney, M.D., neurosurgeon at NorthBay.

The low-dose full body technology was originally developed for use with pediatric patients, Dr. Maloney explained. “Low-dose imaging is a safer option because patients spend less time in an X-ray machine; it’s just one shot and the images are obtained.”

Because images are obtained while the patient is standing or sitting, clinicians are able to better visualize mechanisms or deficiencies between the spine, hip and knee.

“The images give me more complete and accurate measurements of skeletal and spinal alignment,” Dr. Maloney noted, “allowing me to create a more customized plan for complex spinal surgery. Having the EOS system here is a real game-changer for NorthBay.”

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