Use Facebook, Get Engaged

NorthBay Healthcare cordially invites you to get engaged on Facebook by reading, liking, sharing and commenting on our many healthy posts. You might even win a prize!

#HealthTipTuesday is posted every Tuesday on the NorthBay Facebook page ( and shares a healthy tip from one of our many providers each week. Posts run the gamut from advice on exercise and diet to important reminders about regular checkups and the warning signs for serious health matters.

Each post includes a call to action: Comment on or share the posts to be entered in a monthly drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card.

#OurDocTalk has become a regular feature on the NorthBay Facebook page as well. It is a series of Facebook chats (and sometimes Facebook Live video presentations) designed to connect NorthBay doctors with the community to answer questions on a variety of health issues. Interested followers are able to post questions and comments or send them via Facebook Messenger. Watch the page to see who our next featured physician will be.

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